Dry type Cast Resin Transformers are supplied with sheet steel enclosures and are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications
·Both the panels and transformers are designed, type tested & complying to latest IEC standards & GCC specifications
Specific features
Compact. and maintenance free
Eco friendly
No oil used - Fire hazard eliminated
Resin casting provides much better dielectric strength and short circuit withstand capability
Non-hygroscopic epoxy casting under HPG technology
Highly stable under short circuit conditions us Copper foil winding on LV side (above 500kVA)
Low noise as step lap joints used in core construction
It has negligible partial discharge due to epoxy casting under specialized vacuum process with HV/LV winding separately cast
The foil winding in LV makes it withstand higher short circuit forces owing to negligible axial force components
Off circuit Tap changing links are a standard feature. Dry Type On-load Tap changing Gear can also be supplied
High Rise buildings
Congested locations
Underground escavations
Package Substations
Fire hazard areas like oil & gas, etc
Market Segments
Utilities (primary and secondary
Large Buildings
Oil & Gas
2010 - present
2010 - present